The Processes of Peacemaking and Peacebuilding Around the World
A number one goal, for many countries is to have a peaceful society and harmoniously environment. In the last century, there had been a lot of wars, mainly because of showing who wants to be the most powerful country in the world, and also because of economical issues. Therefore, it exist some organizations that fight for peace all around the world.
Some countries, who promote this peaceful atmosphere, are: Costa Rica, Grenada, Liechtenstein, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Solomon Islands and Vatican City, among 8 more. This is as a reflection of a living without army, guns and a peaceful society could be done. Also, its kind ironic, because with all of the last wars, like 2003 invasion of Iraq, 2004 War in North-West Pakistan, 2006 Lebanon War, Gaza War and more, the citizens of this peaceful countries, may have not seen a military guard, or a tank and couldn’t imagine that this its pretty normal in some other countries.
Because all of killed people during wars, it’s that there exist a international organization which had a lot of power and it’s uncharged of aiming facilitating cooperation in international law, security, human rights, and achieving world peace. This organization its named United Nations (UN), this group helps injured people during war, civilians and obviously women and kids, claiming for peace and promoting the human rights. UN not only acts against war, also it’s involved with topics against genocide, protecting indigenous peoples, and helps also the Red Cross, in which they pact a declaration about this kind of protection with the people who need it.
Not only exist this huge organization named UN, there are also social movements who claim for peace all around the world, and also that believe that there could be non violent conflicts, in which peace should be present all time long. One of this movements in which in my opinion had a huge impact was 2003 invasion of Iraq, 2 years latter than 9/11, when former President Bush, said that they had knowledge that Iraq had had nuclear weapons, but as we all know they didn’t found anything and it’s supposed that they invaded only because of the oil.
As a conclusion, I think that we are very lucky to live in a country that had abolished military, that most of all haven’t seen a military group of soldiers marching among the street. Also we have to be very grateful with all the volunteers that help organizations like UN and/or peaceful movements because without them maybe consequences during World War I and World War II may had been different, and it would have changed a lot of things in the present that maybe these days wouldn’t have exist.
very interesting idea about you have here man.